I am going to try and be a little more focussed in my blogging - says the lady who is retired and has oodles of time to thing up new ways of being organised now she doesn't have to.
I have also kind of promised myself that in this first month of being off I would try and share some of the freebies I have made in the past to give people things to play with and try out. My way of celebrating I AM NOT AT WORK! It is also easier to share some of these classes that I have on back up drives than try and photo with my phone and use a laptop that Noah would have struggled with as it was dated!
I might have a go at a technique Tuesday for a while.
I have a very simple out of bounds technique today. It is a challenge I ran on Pickleberrypop.
I scrap my two Bengal cats a lot and I love having their ears and tails poking out all over the place. I am aware there are probably a whole host of different ways to do this - possibly better ways than this, but this is how I do out of the frame elements with my fur babies.
I start with a photo that will work well to have 'bits' sticking out of a frame ... I work in Photoshop elements5 (I have elements 12 which I do use at times but I kind of like 5 ... I am very old fashioned!)
I place it on the page and the drop the frame where I want it to be
I then use the eraser tool to get rid of most of the photo that shows round the edge of the page ... just avoiding the 'sticking out bits' I will want to work on more closely later. In this case Fiki's ears.
I then select the frame layer and reduce the opacity so that it is fairly transparent and I can see where the ears are. That way I can then use a fine eraser and erase the parts of the frame where I want the ears to show.
I erase the area of frame and then put the opacity back to normal before going back to my photo layer and working on cleaning up the background to the ears so they really are just on their own poking put of the frame.
It helps to zoom in close and to use a very small pixel eraser tool.
I also love the fact cats ears are not perfectly straight - makes it a little more forgiving
I then add a shadow to the photo layer to give a little more dimension and, voila, it is done.
I am sure there are other ways of doing this but my challenge for you is to make a page with an out of bounds photo of some kind.
For my page I used Just the Way you are by Fanette Designs and this is my finished page
So - I hope you will enjoy this challenge and I can't wait to see what you do. Cats are NOT obligatory!!!
Today I am thankful for
gorgeous cats to scrap - I may be a teeny tiny bit biased.