I have finally completed my first - very basic - Traveller's Notebook of our trip last year.
The idea is that I will try and do one for our next trip as it happens but I thought I would do a dummy run of one as a practice.
The point of this one was to see if I could do really really quick sketches spending no more than 10 minutes per sketch as this is a way I can meld art and scrapping together.
The last part of the holiday was all Disney for 12 days so rather than do it daily I did a page for each park and then some general pages
I have learned a great deal from thee process. I have learned that I am not good at 10 minute sketches. I have learned not to draw horses, I have learned that my purple ink runs when wet, I have learned not to write so much and I have learned that I like this new project.
We will see how it goes when it is done in hotel rooms though!!! Obviously without photos. I am NOT taking a printed with me. The paints and brushes are enough.
Today I am thankful for
- a hobby where I can meld my hobbies together - kind of
- Autumn - I love Autumn so much - it has the best light and the best feel
And I found these on line and they were fascinating - no idea if they are true