It is usually me that does the crafting but what readers might not be aware of is that Nigel is just as much a crafter too.
Today he has been making speedway bike. Well not makingt he actual bikes but painting them, designing and printing decals and turninga generic bike into a Poole Speedway 70th anniversary bike. He has made a mess of them and they will be going on sale in the track shop. I am so proud of him. The photos don't do them justice really. The decals are crystal clear and sharp and they are amazingly detailed for something that stands just 4" high.
He is an amazing crafter ... so proud of him.
I am taking part in #scraptember #scraptember2018 and makinga page a day. Not a great challenge for me as there is rarely a day when I don't make a page - but heck - it will keep me focussed.
This is my yesterday page
I loved the cut file although it took ages to fill. I loved the photo - I found it the other day when goingt hrough old photos. It was so typical of my Daddy pulling such a silly face. Goodness I miss them both so much.
This is today's - another cut file - no idea why but because I could I guess.
I wished I hadn't cut it in white as I then didn't like it and had to recolour it all and cover bits. Oh well. It was fun to play
Today I am thankful for
- a very creative talented husband
- time sittinga nd creating together
- sunshine
- that he got the massive spider out of the lounge. It was, quite seriously, the biggest spider I have ever ever seen int he house. It was seriously huge - even Nigel was a little put off. We were alerted to it by the cats and then it ran. Oh my how it ran. We always try so hard to not kill spiders but this one was fast and I was hyperventilating and Nigel knew if he lost it we'd have to move! So sadly he bit the dust. I felt guilty but on edge and Nigel had to strip everything off the bed and round the bedroom so I could check before we went to bed that he hadn't sent a friend. And we sprayed evrywhere to within an inch of its life with peppermint spray.
some more billboards to end with