Show and tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at Kelli’s House – it is a wonderful opportunity to see so many lovely things so do go and check it out.
I have been playing show and tell Friday for a while now and love it so much. I love that the entries are so diverse from beautiful home décor items to thrift shop purchases and family history pieces.
Today I wanted to share something creative rather than something I have that I have bought.
I want to share inchies with you all.
Inchies are little art pieces which are 1” square, I am not saying mine are works of art. You should see some of the things people create. They are truly awesome.
Initially I got involved with inchies through a swap and I made two sets so I could keep a set. They were all vintage ladies and very pretty and arty and the picture here shows them. The theme was an alphabet hence why there are 26 of them. 26 tiny little 1” squares.
I love working in miniature – dolls house years I guess – and so I really enjoyed the size. I guess it was inevitable that I was going to go on to make a cat set.
The cat set were also ABC based and I used them on a scrapbook page to support the magazine article.
Then I decided to make a small set of blocks. I only made three – one for each of the fur babies I have currently sharing my home.
I had made a set of blocks before but they were 2” square blocks and so very easy to work with. This little set are only 1” squares and very dainty.
Obviously as each is a cube there are 6 faces to decorate and I had great fun creating them.
I used photo papers and alcohol inks for the backgrounds and I printed out tiny pictures and little word strips to sum up their characters, with one face just bearing their name.
I think when you see the pictures you can't really tell how small they are.
I guess you need to look at a ruler and remind yourself how small and inch is.
I know when I made my first inchies I was staggered when I realised the size.
I have attached a PDF of the article to this blog post if anyone wants to read it.
It explains what I did and how you can go about making your own inchies
Download Inchies by Scrapdolly
If you are a paper crafter or an artist you will be hooked if you try it.
I would also recommend googling for inchies because believe me, there are some incredible things out there. there are some people who are just so very very talented.
It has been a bitterly cold day here today.
It was -5 in the night and it has not risen above freezing all day. The grass is still white, covered in thick frost and many of the rooves all around are still white.
I guess that is a good thing as it means the roof insulation is working!
I had rather more fun taking my PAD today.
The world may be very cold in my neck of the woods, but it has been quite pretty. Not as pretty, of course, as if we had had that all elusive snow, but still quite pretty.
The lily pond has frozen over and the only bit still thawed for the poor fish and birds is where the fountain sprays. You can see the grass is thick with white frost as well.
I am amazed the fountain is still working actually.
Have a lovely weekend everyone xx