Blogging grinding to a halt

I am aware tat these days I don't blog much - but that's OK as I think few people read anymore anyway  I think it's because my days sort of blur into one - they follow similar patterns and I enjoy what I do immensely but I am aware probably others don't get much joy from the boring. So I am tthinking it is likely to be a once or possibly twice a week deal from now on and I won't feel the guilt.


Anyway - a catch up post here. I taught my second ever water colour class to stranger yesterday which went well and I have five more slots booked in.  We went to the beach, I painted, I am sorting out pictures for my next exhibition and life has been quiet fun.

Some scrapping I haven't shared from recent days (largely still challenges from the 12 days of summer and scrap a sketch work)


Explore-pecoworld insta


Explore-pecoworld insta

This is from one of the July Premium sketches and uses gorgeous printables from the Scrap a Sketch store


July #15 american adventure


July #15 american adventure


American-adventure 2 - Copy
American-adventure 2 - Copy


American-adventure 2 - Copy


And a few recent paintings I haven't shared


Boats on shore insta


Boats on shore insta


Boats on shore insta

and finally some more recent pages of my coast to cast sketch book


Coast to coast sketchbooks23 and 24 jpg


Coast to coast sketchbooks23 and 24 jpg


Coast to coast sketchbooks 25 and 26


Coast to coast sketchbooks 25 and 26


Today I am thankful for

  • the years of joy this blog has brought me - throwing down my random thoughts
  • loyal readers
  • gentle days doing simple things



August 28, 2020

March 10, 2020

March 08, 2020

January 06, 2020

My Photo

All About Me

  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


Projects I am involved in


  • Crafty Blogs