I'm not sure if everyone is like me. When you have a long span of time ahead of you and a lot of tasks that you know you need to get done, are you like me and don't do any of them?
I accomplish so much more in term time. I am energised and ready to go all of the time. On holiday I seem to just vegitate, it takes me ages to do things that I do really quickly when I have no time.
This holiday - and I had almost 3 weeks stretching ahead of me - I was planning on finishing my counselling course. Of course, I didn't even start it until today. Typical.
So consequently I have worked really hard today to try and finish things off.
I didn't manage any scrapping but do have another new page that I made last week for the 2011 album. One of the things that had not made it to the album was Paris. It was such a significant time for us, re-visiting the city of our honeymoon and renewing our vows on our 25th wedding anniversary. I had made an album just of Paris, but of course it needed to feature in the album of the year. So here is the one page that made it to the main album of 2011.
I couldn't find backing paper I liked so I made my own from a digital kit and printed it.
The leaves and letters are also digitally made and printed. They were printed on card and then mounted on thick chipboard which was a pain then to hand-cut but does look effective.
The two tags pull out and detail the events and show some more photos.
And of course, lots of stitching LOL
I have taken my photo of the day - Nij picked his Mom up from Coventry today (been with oldest brother over New Year) so we popped into Pizza Hut when they got back. (might as well make the most of it - no naughty pizzas after Wednesday LOL )
I received an e mail from my friend Heather in the US today with a fabulous link to a great Bengal cat called Kaiser who can do some pretty neat tricks (and a beautful Bengal he is too)
MY Bengals can open doors as well as shut them LOL but I don't think they could manage too many of the other tricks. Well not on command anyway. Leaving the treat until told was very impressive (mine would NEVER master that one) and the weaving between the legs was brilliant. Walking on the owners feet cracked me up. I hope you enjoyed it too.
Today I am thankful for
- finally cracking on with the course and hopefully completing it
- Great friends who send me such cool links
- You Tube - such a great resource for everything