Gosh I have missed days and days and I have no idea where they went. Well actually I know where a couple of them went.
The 31st of August was Nigel's huge big event - he had pretty much single handedly organised an incredible even for Neil Middleditch's testamonial at Poole Speedway. He had been living and breathing it for weeks and weeks and weeks (and I for one would be glad when it was done to be honest!)
Anyway, knowing he would be very busy I arranged to go to my best friends for the morning to paint together. Nigel took my car out of the garage, drove it off the drive, turned it round and put it back ont he drive ready for me. Twenty minutes later I went out and nothing. Well that's not true. There were clicks. But nothing else. I tried it again and again and I tried taking the brake off (daft idea) and nothing. I had to disturb the very stressed Nigel and he tired and nothing so - stupidly - he rolled it down off the drive into the turning head at the end of the road and the end of our drive and he called the RAC and told me to go out in his car. The RAC said they would be there within 4 hours! He and a neighbour (and a random dog walker) tried to push my car back onto the drive but it was too heavy and steep so it was left half on the drive and half on the pavement.
I painted and had a lovely time - Nigel did last minute prep.
I came home and I was panicking that the RAC had not come and the car was unsafe where it was. So my bestie and her husband came to help push it onto the drive. Nope. Then yet another random dog walker stopped and helped us and between 5 of us we got it on the drive,. Poor Nigel - this was the last thing he needed going on on such a big day. And we were both incredibly stressed and not thinking clearly (as will be clear later)
In the end the RAC man came and it was, as we suspected, a flat battery as the car doesn't get used enough so he checked everything started the car and went away. Nigel then made the first of the bad decisions. He didn't want to leave it out incase it wouldn't restart and so he drove it into the garage and then told me to sit with it running for half an hour. He said get a book and just sit and read in it so it charges up. I ws a bit worried but didn't say anything as he was stressed. I sat in the car, in the garage, with the garage door open of course, for half an hour and stupidly, because we were both so stressed, had the air circulating drawing in the toxic air from outside inot the car. After half an hour I switched it off and went in and felt so so poorly. We both realised what a stupid thing we had done. I didn't need to be sat in it. I could have sat outside in the fresh air and we were sure I had mild carbon monoxide poisoning. I felt really ill.
Anyway - it was a big night and the show must go on. Nigel had a team of helpers led by two very good friends Ben and Lee who are brilliant and who he knew would do everything he needed. He had planned it all so well, given everyone jobs, me included, and the evening was an amazing amazing amazing success. Not only great racing but video messages Nigel had sourced from all over the world were played on the big screen, a parade of Harleys took the teams round, he had borrowed vintage race jackets and had lots of old Poole riders take to the track int he interval, the raffle sold out, there were surprises all through the evening, it was just a tremendous event from start to finish and I was so so so proud of him. He had organised it all and it was a huge success and whilst he didn't get public thanks for what he did, we knew and so did people like Ben and Lee. It was one of the best things he had organised - and believe me he has organised many great things. It's his forte.
Anyway, we came home and I was so so ill. We had almost no sleep and I was very sick. The results of the car in the garage I think.
But - it's September now and the testimonial is over, I have my husband back and all is well that ends well.
New scrapping to share
This was for Day 1 of Scraptember and for this week's Scrap Squad and for Hey Little Magpi (I do love a multi task!)
And this was for Day 3 of scraptember (I haven't done day 2 yet) and for the latest Scrap a Sketch sketch
Today I am thankful for
- my car being fixed (and used)
- my wonderfully clever husband who is truly amazing
- no being TOO poisoned
- September - the start of 'ber' season ... my favourite time of year
and some cute pics to finish with