So whilst today may not have been so springlike it is May, a new month, another new start. My leg is less painful though I still have not driven and I still have not heard from the hospital.
Everything is gearing up for iNSD on Saturday ... and challenges everywhere.
I am promising myself I will accept I can't do them all! I seriously cannot.
Some will have to be digital as I am limited in the amount of sitting time I can do at the moment at my desk.
FTLOPP has a new challenge every day and today's served my exact purpose. The challenge was Rainbow. So I made this page documenting my knee. (Oh yes - I believe the bad, as well as the good, should be recorded as that is what scrapping is all about) I used a Paige Evans cut file and spent an age filling it and then an age die cutting and sticking little letters and flowers but it is the story I wanted to tell and a tribute to how fab Nigel has been
As I couldn't scrap when I was sofa bound I did do a colouring page - haven't done one for ages and yes I know it is all the wrong colours but they were happy colours I needed to use
Today I went with Nigel to visit his Mom and it is soul destroying for him. She really has very limited words now and it is so sad to see and so hard on Nigel.
and this is another page made for ATDML with the gorgeous Blessed papers which matched the dresses of these singers at the vintage fair so perfectly.
Today I am thankful for
- scrapbook challenges - I do love them
- Nigel's mom being so well cared for even though she doesn't know it
- my wonderful husband