In an effort to take my mind off the ridiculous state our parliament - not just the government the entire parliament - is in I have been trying to sort out things and e bay them.
I do wonder why I have 9 new pairs of very expensive jeans and trousers still with tahs on that I have nevr worn and will never be able to wear (unless I can shed a serious amount of weight! I think, when I was working and earning good money, I frittered it away and spent ont hings I didn't need, didn't really want etc. And I am ashamed of that. Since I retired I have a far different view of life and actually spend very little. I don't think I have bought more than a dozen new things in three years of retirement and most of the things I have bought have been things like new underwear (it does wear out you know) and a new swimming costume. I have bought almost no new scrapping stuff (I do have enough to scrap every day for the rest of my life already!!!) and apart from renovations we have spent no money on new stuff for the house. This retirment thing is good.
However the brand new clothes are on e bay (and I know they wont sell so I am not sure why I bothered and didn't just take then to the charity shop witht he other 20 or so bags we took) and I have sold some of the unwanted craft stuff and RAKed other stuff. I am in full declutter mode. And it feels good.
I did make a page today for a challenge on UKS and made a few yesterday
This was a fun one to make and I quite liked the splashes of orange for no reason other than they were something I fancied.
This was a digital page for a challenge - the prompt was BEAR. Yup - that was certainly a bear - we so hoped we would see one in Canada and this was on our last day.
This was the mystery box mojo challenge at PBP and includes a free kit - check it out here
and this was another challenge on UKS and features St George's church on Portland which we never knew was there and was utterly fascinating. You can read about it here - and here and if you are near do go visit it - it is lovely.
Today I am thankful for
- more decluttering
- more sense in my old age
- thriftiness
And those of you who know me well know my favourite sort of jokes are puns.
I LOVE these