We just introduced a new Challenge Game at PBP called SCRAP♥Bingo! Some of you may have lost interest in traditional challenges, but this is anything but traditional! And HEY! Who doesn't love BiNGO?!? So read on, and then give them a try!
YOU will have complete control over the challenge cues you choose to complete, how you interpret the cues & what kind of layout you create for the cues. I'm excited to see your creativity! Oh....and did I mention that several of the cues include a FREEBiE that you can find in our SCRAP♥Bingo Challenge Forum?
Start the New Year off by committing to complete at least 10 layouts per month with us. You'll have loads of fun and and win discounts and a beautiful Berry Blends Kit while you fill up your scrapbooks!
All you have to do is head to the forum and download your SCRAP♥Bingo Game Card from the tracking thread and start scrapping! We have included full instructions in the forum.
If you have questions, just leave them for us in the SCRAP♥Bingo Information Thread.
This is my page with the FWP kit and images of the kits you can snag. It's seriously too good to miss