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May 25, 2024


 Barb in AK

I LOVE summer! Well, I know it’s still a month away, but our weather has been spring/summer-like for about two weeks now. The birds in the trees behind my house are singing their little lungs out by 4:30 a.m. Such a beautiful racket. There are many different voices, but I am quite sure it’s not anywhere near a variety of 46 types. Eagles are definitely the most magnificent birds. There used to be an eagle that world swoop down to the river below our Village looking for a meal. I’m sure he could see the fish swimming down there, but I never saw him catch one in that particular spot. He doesn’t come by as often as he used to, as a developer destroyed his nest a couple of winters ago. Grrrrr!
I could go on about that ordeal for a while, but I best not take up too much space here. Love your yard additions. So peaceful.

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