I am hoping today I can blog properly. We have had 10 days of dreadful internet issues. Upload speeds of below 1 (great to coincide with a new computer and trying to back up to google drive) It looks like it might be fixed! So maybe I can upload stuff
I am hosting the challenge over at the Scrap a Sketch Facebook Group today so do go to the group and check it out and check out the massive discounts there too. You can find the sketch there and my challenge was to use the sketch and use NO PATTERNED PAPER.I did use lots f the gorgeous printables though!
I have also been making pages with my Design Team kit from A Trip Down memory Lane using Vicki Boutin Peppermint Kisses which is lovely. I have combined this with scrap squad challenges
I couldn't resist the title I'm afraid
and this is another with the same collection
and finally this one
And now for the BIG BIG good news
I had my first annual mammogram last week and it is all we could both think about, dreading another call back
The absolutely wonderful news is that the mammogram showed nothing unusual or worrying. It has been all consuming for us both, hanging over us like the sword of Damocles. I cannot tell you how relieved and grateful we are The Lord is indeed good.
Today I am thankful for
- a good result
- our NHS
- fixed broadband
- the chance to enjoy Christmas now