Every New Year's Eve I like to look back on my blog over the past year. I will add layouts to reflect the different elements of our year.
I could easily look back and say 2023 was a pants year thanks to cancer.
Or I could just be positive and say it was the year that, at least for the time being, I beat cancer!
The year began, right at the start of the 4th Jan with the news that I needed more surgery as they hadn’t got clear margins and the ‘it doesn’t become invasive for years ad years’ cancer had become invasive and so I also need lymph node surgery. Friday 13th – another surgery and this time all gone. There followed radiotherapy which was OK but caused lymphoedema which is now an ongoing issue. I dreaded the first annual mammogram but the best Christmas present of all was it was clear – news received just before Christmas. So quite a roller coaster with the old boobies and my mental health has taken a serious battering but on balance I can only look back and feel thankful. Thankful it was found, thankful it was dealt with, thankful for all of the amazing staff in the NHS, thankful for the way it strengthened our faith and thankful for the incredible man who was by my side every step of the way and got me through it.
We enjoyed gentle days out for the first part of the year as truly we were not up to doing much. But we did have a new fireplace fitted – and should have done the lounge renovation scheduled for January 2024 then, but we didn’t have the heart for it. So some gentle days out in the first few months of the year
As I recovered we started to have longer days out
We went for a lovely holiday to Norfolk. We booked five nights away and managed one of them! Koda scuppered that by refusing to eat and so we had to come home early, but we enjoyed what we did very much and, in true US style crammed a lot into 40 hours!
Some highlights
We met up with family and friends and enjoyed meeting the new babies in our lives – our grand nephew, my god-daughter’s little girl and a very dear friend’s much longed for little boy.
We enjoyed overnight stays in Gloucestershire and Cornwall
Nigel continued to love speedway and be an excellent presenter and I pained and started to teach art too ... and I sold 9 paintings
We enjoyed autumn and the beach as always
and we had a fabulously quiet Christmas but did feed red pandas!
Our boys continue to bring great joy
And I thank God every minute of every day that we did it all together
so - it has been a good year. The year we beat cancer, the year we were settled and safe and happy, when life became so much more simple but how content we became with that.
All that remains is to say how thankful I am for the past year, for my soul mate and partner in crime, for our boyz who bring us such joy, for families and friends, for days out and trips close to home, for arts and crafts and hobbies, and for the amazing NHS staff who made it all possible.
I hope that 2024 is a year filled with health and happiness, love and laughter for all of us. xxx
What an amazing summary and lovely layouts.
Your lives are precious and beautiful to match
your awesome attitudes and positivity.
May 2024 bring the Leahys peace and joy.
Thank you for sharing and may God bless you both.
Posted by: Barb in AK | January 02, 2024 at 11:14 AM