Two weeks today since surgery and I am doing well. Pain is very very slight and only under the arm incision, breast is less bruised and swollen and I am able to sleep without fear. The incisions still look dire butt hat's because the glue is still peeling off. I am trying to feel optimistic about 7th and results. I have been knocked back every time I have felt positive. Maybe this time is the time my positivity will pay off and I will get good news.
I have also been able to paint and scrap more easily.
I painted this this week for a challenge on a watercolour group for Paul Clark - an artist I really admire - and I was thrilled when it was chosen as the cover picture for the group.
It is watercolour on my new 100% cotton paper.
I have also been scrapping so a few pages to share
These were gorgeous flowers sent to cheer me up from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. They were utterly gorgeous and whilst I couldn't leave them unattended witht he cats as they were a tupe of lily, the cats were very good about them once they had inspected them.
These are two more pages for my iconic America album. There will be sections on cities, on landmarks, on National Parks
Today I am thankful for
- healing
- feeling better
- sunshine
- my three boys
and some interesting pictures to end with just showcasing the beauty of nature