So tomorrow is D day - or should I say O for operation day. I am very very nervous; nervous about the anaesthetic, nervous about how much they will take, nervous about is they will get all of the cancer and nervous about how I will cope with an 8 hour wait. I have to be in at 7.15 and Nigel cannot come in with me and my op is late afternoon. I gather I will be sitting in a chair in the day surgery unit for all of that time which will drive me absolutely bonkers. I am hoping they will let me go for a walk, although I do have a little diversion at 10.30 when I go to the breast unit to have another mammogram and have the wire inserted pre-surgery. I gather that hurts!
My sad little bag with a book, slippers, dressing gown, paperwork, my post surgery bra (now my my that is a sexy old item!) and the only blouse I own as I have to have something that buttons up the front.
Prayers welcome for tomorrow readers. I will see you all the other side, god willing.
So on to happier things - I have a mess of stuff to share.
I have been doing my December daily journal as always - its a bit of a different affair this year, not least because we have been isolating in readiness and so haven't been anywhere much or done much
Both of the days use a scrap squad lift for the day.
I also have a little bit of painting to share - something very quick and simple but great fun
and a digital page too
A Captured snowflake collection by Dutch Dream Designs
Please, if prayer is what you do, pray all goes smoothly tomorrow and if prayer isn't your thing, cyber hugs are very very welcome.
Today I am thankful for
- our NHS
- the support of so many many friends - I feel so blessed
- my faith - it is what has kept us going the past few weeks
Dear Karen,
I will most definitely be praying for you and NIgel.
Everyone has a different experience, I know. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 2020. Since we were in pandemic mode, my hubby couldn't be with me either. We were thankful for text messages.
I've actually had four breast surgeries. The last time I went through two surgeries and then had chemo, followed by radiation.. There were some difficult times, but the faithfulness of our Lord and the prayers of His people saw me through it.
I had a wire inserted for my first surgery and I don't recall the pain being a problem. I pray the same for you. I had a very attractive bra provided by my insurance. I remember I had to buy a couple of shirts that buttoned, as I didn't have a single one!
Take care of yourself. Let your family and friends pamper you. It is a journey. Take it from someone who has been there, one day at a time. You will get through this.
Posted by: Kim | December 07, 2022 at 07:51 PM
Hi I haven’t scrapped booked in years but last night I had a dream about you so this morning I went to google and put in dolly’s dreaming to see if you still wrote your blog and on reading your last post I think I now know why you were brought to my dreams! God put you there so I could pray for you in your current situation. I will pray for you daily until you are free from the dreaded disease. God bless xx (I was kate2962 on ukscrappers
Posted by: Catherine | December 09, 2022 at 09:35 AM