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July 15, 2022



That’s great that you both seem to be doing better,and getting through Covid ! We are still being careful,wearing a mask when we go on public transport. And into the shopping centre. Not many people seem to be bothering with wearing masks now! But that is their choice. We will continue to do so!
I still wear a mask when my Tesco shopping is delivered,and wipe down everything with antibacterial wipes,before putting thing away.
Since we had Covid back in January,we are still feeling tired very easily!
Hope you both continue to improve.

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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