Well, this is meant to be a scrapping blog as well as a blog of the bits and pieces that fill my days and my head. So I guess there ought to be some scrapping.
However, before I post that I wanted to share my thoughts on a regular reader here. You know who you are.
This lovely lady, who follows my ramblings and often comments, is dealing with such sadness. We visited with her and her husband earlier this year and had an utterly amazing visit with two such special people whose generosity in not only gifting me so many things but gifting us with time and sharing their unbelievable dolls houses with us. I heard this evening that her husband has sadly passed away and I cannot begin to imagine her pain and sense of loss. I wanted to post here, publically but obviously with no names, how our thoughts and prayers are with you. At such dreadful times I often turn to Winnie the Pooh who shares such great wisdom ...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you face this great loss xx
It seems trivial to share scrapping after hearing that news but it also seems apt to share a page of someone just beginning her journey with the love of her life. Because that's the amazing thing about life and love. It is about beginnings and endings.
Today I am thankful for
- people who come into your life who bring such joy in such small but perfect ways
- love .. it is the most precious thing of all and grief is the price we pay for it.
Hold your loved ones a little closer, tell those who mean something to you that you love them, that you value them, because our days here are too brief and we never know when it will be the last time we can tell people we care, tell people we love them. Make the most of every single minute.