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February 10, 2022


Carole Smith

Loved your video you should do more it was very good thank you.


That is a really nice mini book! I like the way it flips over for the second book,Great design.Lots of nice happy memories of days at the beach.
I enjoyed your video!


I Liked your painting,was that a Matthew palmer video you were watching? It is like a video I saw a while ago of his, but the tree trunk was covered with moss,and Ivy

Barb in AK

What a lovely album! I, too, enjoyed the video. You have such a calm speaking voice. I can understand why you love your home area. It is so beautiful and your photos definitely reflect it. I am not an “outdoor” girl, so I am sure I miss some lovely sites around my area. I must think about getting out and exploring more often. Thank you for the inspiration. We’re those real shells from the beaches on the cover of the album?

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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