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December 27, 2021


Mike Smith

Merry Christmas to my UK friends!! We managed to get together with family at my house for a lovely home cooked dinner and some present action. Glad you both enjoyed your holiday as well. Not sure who is having a more enjoyable time - the kitties with their toys and bubbles or Nij with his drinkies! Stay well and safe during this time.
Love and hugs from across the Pond,

Barb in AK

I didn't have any expectations about going anywhere for the holidays this year, so we were quite content to stay snuggly at home. We were definitely "p.j.-people" the entire weekend. I planned items that could be easily opened, set up, and eaten at our whim---no clock telling us when to eat or sleep. All the Christmas decorations with lights were on the whole day and evening of the 25th, instead of being enjoyed only when the sun went down on other days.
Winter is officially here. Have you noticed the days getting longer now?


Nice to see you had a lovely Christmas together. We had a nice quiet enjoyable Christmas Day,just the two of us,well three counting our cat!
We done some FaceTime with the family as well. We had our son and his wife!and our grandson for dinner on Boxing Day! That’s the first time we have seen them since the first week in December. As my son wasn’t well. He had to be tested for Covid,but thankfully the result came back negative. The doctor he spoke to said that it was most probably flu. He did have a very high temperature and slept for most of the time. It was so good to see them all again! And we had a lovely day together

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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