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June 09, 2020



Gorgeous blanket ,well done! I have still got a blanket I made more than a year ago,and I still haven’t finished the edging. It has got lots of squares with popcorn flowers then joined and a deep border using a mixture of various stitches.its in cream,Aqua.and white .
I had planned on putting it on the bed for show and removing it at night,but I’m afraid the cat will destroy all my work, as he does go under the top quilted mat I have on the bed.
I will now finish it

Barb in AK

I am so sorry you had to cancel your National Park holiday, but you truly did choose wisely. Steve and I had started planning (back in February) a trip up to Alaska for this month of June with our son and his wife. But of course, we put all that on the back burner once COVID was reported inside America's border. Very disappointing for us, as Steve and I had not been back there since 2009, but now we have that to look forward to some time in the future. I am glad you did not lose any money in having to cancel your reservations.
Your blanket is phenomenal! Congratulations on finishing the job. One day your table of crafts will be open to the public again, and you can sell many of your "pandemic" projects. I think the blankets could be the highlight of the table. :-)

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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