It is glorious here again today after two days of a bit of rain - sadly I think we need more rain but heck - I don't complain.
It's been an odd two days as no exercise which is unusual. I have no idea why but my ankle just gave up. It is my very damaged ankle - I smashed it quite literally to bits when I was 12 and it's been an ongoing issue. I have also fractured it again since then three years ago. However, it holds up pretty well all things considered except yesterday I couldn't move it, couldn't stand on it, couldn't do anything. I hadn't fallen, twisted, slipped etc it just 'went' It wasn't swollen but hurt as bad as when I last fractured it. It is a little easier today but very odd.
Still sitting down and scrapping was OK!
Before I get to scrapping someone asked how long we quarantine stuff for. We have a standard three day rule and it is very exciting when things we had forgotten come out of quarantine. Food that isn't perishable goes into quarantine, anything else from the supermarket plus post and anything anyone leaves for us.
It has been the A Trip Down Memory Lane cybercrop this weekend and I can finally share some of the pages. This was my class for them and the three pages I made as a design team member for the class using gorgeous Bo Bunny Papers. Do go over the blog HERE where you can find full instructions for my class, a further 6 classes and loads of challenges. It is free and fun and you ought not to miss it really.
This was meeting a friend Kay who is also ont he design team for Pickleberrypop and we met up with her in Albuquerque
and my wonderful godson and his beautiful wife, currently enjoying life in Japan.
I have also made the first of the birthday pages for the CFH
Pink for a girl
Blue for a boy
Today I am thankful for
- another lovely day - Nigel is treating it like a holiday and whilst it does get to me at times, most of the time I can pretend too. He makes me laugh as he says they keep spoiling his holiday talking about the virus. We are happy in our little bubble as long as we don't overthink the world.
- my ankle being easier
- lots of scrapping time
These things always make me laugh
and finally - cats and jigsaws. I feel the pain of these people - we experience similar when we do jigsaws
I hope your godson and his wife are safe and well in Japan. I cannot imagine being in a foreign country during these frightful days.
Loved the girl and boy birthday pages. Do your babies have any gray hair?
And those kitties with jigsaw puzzles are hilarious. I'm sure they are jealous of the inanimate objects that take their parents away from giving any attention to them. Hee! Hee! I must share that with my kids. They will get a kick out of the photos. :-D :-D :-D
Posted by: Barb in AK | April 24, 2020 at 07:44 AM