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December 01, 2018


Barb inAK

Oh, my Karen. You poor thing!
I hate being ill on a vacation. I had a problem when I visited my sister the summer of 1988. My throat was burning and scratching for several days, as we traveled through Missouri and Kansas. I missed seeing Monuments Rocks in KS--when my husband and son got out of the car to explore. I laid in the backseat feeling so awful. When we finally got to Colorado, I tried to put up a good front, but at midnight, I had to wake my sis and say, "I think I need to go to the E.R." The doctor on duty could not make a definitive decision, but said, I either had scarletina or toxic shock syndrome. Thank goodness for antibiotics!!
I think all of us tend to cut back on fluids/water when we are on vacation, because we are out of routine so much.
I want to read the next chapter of your holiday diary to see how you faired.
I turned on all our lights today, too. And we had a snowstorm, so I was really feeling "Christmas-y"! :-D The light display at Bournemouth is so impressive! I don't know how anyone can design and follow through with such amazing structures! Absolutely gorgeous <3

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