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September 18, 2018


Barb inAK

Wow! I'm impressed with the inking. I didn't know you could print over the ink, but I suppose if it's completely dry. . . Anyway, a very nice result.

Sorry you made a needless trip for your eyes. I hope when you are able to get retested, they will discover you are doing well. I have been on drops for glaucoma since January. When I had a check-up in July, my ophthalmologist said the drops were helping, as the pressure had gone down. YAY!

How are your ribs doing?

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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