Yesterday was going swimmingly. Nigel went to work and I went to art. I had a lovely time - they are a super group of people. We had a cinema visit planned in the evening - to go and see Skyscraper. The film was actually very good. When you suspended disbelief it was a good film and an enjoyable couple of hours.
What was not so enjoyable was the fall. Oh yes - following on last year's fall over an unlit step and causing an avulsion fracture in my left ankle, I surpassed myself last night. The cinema was dark as the adverts were playing and as I apologised to the two people in the row that I had to disturb, I stepped into a void. The steps are clearly marked with white tape/paint. However, a seat int he row in front of mine had been removed for repair and the empty space had no markings on it. Consequently, I thought I was stepping onto solid ground and I stepped into a void. As I fell I broke my fall, very carefully, on the arm of the next chair. I landed hard enough to bend the arm of the chair. Oh, my - the agony.
It resulted in an A and E visit (once again the NHS were amazing) and they diagnosed cracked rib/ribs. There is, of course, no treatment for that other than pain killer and rest. They checked breathing was OK and were very kind. It was not a good night. I slept little and very movement hurts like mad. I had no idea cracked ribs were so painful. I feel like my entire side should be jet black but it will take a few days for the bruising to become visible.
Cinemas are truly dangerour places - well for me anyway. In the words of GOT - the night is dark and full of terrors.
I have some new scrapping to share - made pre-injury
This is a page made with a selfie we took at the beach last week
and this is another with two similar photos taken the same day
and finally this is a page made with a new collection that is absolutely brim full of stuff called Roughing it in style by Jumpstart Designs
Today I am thankful for
- Nigel looking after me
- pain relief
Oh, you dear woman! I am so sorry to hear of your terrible fall. I pray you heal quickly and completely. Broken ribs are nothing to sniff at. Even one can puncture a lung and be very dangerous. I know Nigel will watch over you with great care, and make sure you are resting as necessary. Keep up with those pain killers.
Posted by: Barb inAK | July 14, 2018 at 09:18 AM
Oh Karen, so very sorry to hear this.. while I know you are in pain, I do hope the theatre will be paying for the A & E visit and follow-ups since they did not have it properly marked. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and quick healing.
Posted by: Christa | July 17, 2018 at 07:43 PM