Oh my how true that is in all aspects of life.
Today it refers to the struggle I had with a page and it served me right. I help to organise things over on UKS and have managed the weeklya nd monthly challenges, amongst other things, for the past 11 years or so. When needs must and I cannot organise willing volunteers I set challenges myself and I set the April monthly challenge which you can find here
It seemed like a good idea at the time - and was a challenge that used even numbers when from a design perspective odd works better.
I thought it was quite a simple challenge - until I tried to make my page, and I struggled.
This is what I came up with
Although the elements were evn numbered I found myself still clustering in threes and the old triangle shape.
The photos were taken in Krakow.
Maybe I will have a go at a page before I set the challenge next time!
Yesterday we had date day which was lovely. We went to Hobbycraft and, I rarely buy stash these days, I bought quite a few new bits there and at the range. Then we went to eat at Frankie and Bennys and then to the cinema to see Ghost Stories which was really very good.
I was at a craft fair today which was, quite frankly, a bit of an awful day. We were having the washing machine delivered and so Nigel had to stay in. It was just 5 mins drive so he came with me to get the heavy stuff out of the car. It was meant to be open for stall holders by 9.30. We were there at 9.15. Closed. The driver rang to say he was almost at our house with new washing machine at 9.25 so Nigel had to leave. By 9.40 still nothing, by 9.50 still nothing. By 10.00 Nigel was back and they opened the doors at 10.05. Not a table in sight, nothing to work with and we opened at 11.00. Very poor organisation really and despite advertising, no footfall. If there were 40 people through the door who were not stall holders I would be amazed. I did cover my table costs but it wasn't a productive fair and I packed away early at 1.30 as it seemed a bit pointless continuing . You live an learn. I wanted to do it as it was for the local community, but it was a wasted day really. Ah well. There were lots of nice people to chat to there so it didn't matter.
I have a new digital page to share too made for one of the mojo challenges on Pickleberrypop ... it was the template challenge so pop over there and you get a free template to play with
Today I am thankful for
new dryer installed and working
friends to catch up with
hopefully a quiet night in and then tomorrow - I am playing with my new stash