It's been filled with fun here the last few days. No scrapping but lots of happiness.
Friday saw a busy day for us (remember we are retired so it is a relative term!)
I met a friend for breakfast at the park. Lovely sunny day and views whilst we ate and chatted
Nigel took me out for a picnic lunch onto the ranges in the Purbecks
and in the evening we went down to Poole Quay to see some of the festival of lights and have dinner down there on the quay. Dinner was lovely. The lights were, to say the least, a little disappointing. The only one we really liked was the squirrel, though the Guildhall looked good all lit up
Saturday saw a local craft fair
and yesterday saw a lovely day. Nigel had to meet someone from another speedway club that he has been giving advice to (he is the becoming a go-to guy in British Speedway and has helped many clubs) so they agreed to meet at Paradise Wildlife Park (where there was a festival of speedway on and reduced admission) and it happens to be close enough to some good friends of ours, Dawn and Paul, for them to meet up with us.
It was a lovely day - despite the terrible traffic on the way home where the journey took us twice as long as the journey up). Nigel was able to conclude his business and we spent time with our friends, enjoying chatting, catching up and seeing the animals and a lovely meal after the park. It is just a shame we live so far apart and don't get to meet up often enough. Personal promise ... I will do better!
We are suckers for the tigers. Paradise is where we had the privilege of meeting the gorgeous cuddly Bruno an incredible 22 years ago!!!
We were all taken with the amazing sculpture of the Clockwork Lion. Time is running out for lions - and for so many other animals - and this was all made from clock pieces and was pretty darned incredible.
The white lions were stunning and they have really good viewing areas. The male looked like he had had his mane washed and blow dried.
All in all a lovely few days.
I guess you are ready for some scrapping now though. Two pages today.
This was made with Dawns new goodies My Heart is Full elements, alcohol ink papers and solids and henna and stamps
and this is what I made
and another page made re-making the pages of my Mom and Dad ... a picture of my Mom and Dad when I was on the way.
Today I am thankful for
- good friends
- great days out
- our home town
- animals - all kinds, all shapes, all sizes