There is a new snap challenge at UKS for January and February and I think - I think - I am done with the photo part of the challenge
1 a bell
This is St Alban's Church in Bournemouth where we got married - I took the bell as a close up too
2 a gate
I opted for the gate at the level crossing in town. I love that the fact the high street is bisected by train tracks makes Poole kind of unique
3 circles
There were so many circles - it's a bug hotel
4 two legs and four legs
Nigel and his boy
5 something warm
Fiki wrapped up for his afternoon nap - most definitely warm!
6 stones or rocks
The beach - Friar's Cliff
7 breakfast
Couldn't resist this one
8 a letter box
I know technically it is a post box - but it IS a box you put letters in and I liked that it was a double
Mmm - two of these - a kind of sensible one and definitely daft one
10 after dark
Present from Pauline - enjoyed after dark last week
11 something sweet
Starbucks of course. His is sweet - mine is sour
12 upside down
Struggled with this so did one of the spares too. Kind of upside down as it is me on the floor in a very odd shaped shadow
13 round about
Planting in the round
14 up above
the sky was so blue I couldn't resist it
15 something you made
One of many this month
16 words
This is the book I have just finished - if you haven't read it then do - it is superb
17 a delivery
A ridiculous delivery - a huge box for a tiny tiny battery for my car remote
This shiny little angel sits on my printer and has for years - made by a good friend - Mrs Friend... she stands less than 1.5 cm and is quilled
Well - he is a spotty leaopard but has tiger legs
20 out of a window
taken out of the car window as we drove by sandbanks
A the letter 'B'
B something oldBeach huts today
Christchurch castle - approximately 1200 years old
C family
Lovely family visit this month
D a quiet moment
Hatchpond down the road - a quiet moment of refelection
Today I am thankful for
- new plants for the garden - and already planted!!!
- a lovely day out
- a sneaky Prezzo
- finishing a challenge
and finally - I meant to share these the other day as I loved them. Minnie Mouse finally got her star on Hollywood Boulevard last week and Nigela nd I loved watching the ceremony
These were some still of the event from the internet and yes - I will scrap tham just for me ... Rocking the dots!
Well done on completing the challenge - I loved reading about your photos and you have some really good ones there.
Sue x
Posted by: Sue | February 02, 2018 at 03:50 PM
Hooray for Minnie!
Love what you did with the photo prompts. So much fun to see what you came up with!
Posted by: Barb inAK | February 14, 2018 at 08:35 AM