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January 29, 2018


Barb inAK

Congratulations on TWO years since the HUGE decision. I remember you really talked it out quite a bit here, but once your decision was made, you felt a huge weight off your shoulders--even though you had a ton of things to tie up before you packed up your office. I know you have not regretted your decision one little bit.
You are correct to say that one does not know where our roads will lead, but how wonderful to be at ease and with the one you love and hopefully much less stress through the years ahead.
Can you tell I love retirement, too? :-)

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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