There is a most definite feeling of Christmas int he air and I love it. Sitting scrapping to my Christmas playlist, all warm and toastie - what could be better.
Actually my Christmas playlist os on no matter where I am ... and if I am not at home I can guarantee the shops will fit the bill too.
I have another project to share that was already on UKS for their Christmas countdown.
It's a very simple gift bag to make for some little last minute gifts.
I made these one year for all of the gift cards we gave. I just stuffed it with tissue paper and popped the card in amongst the scrunched paper. It made a cute way of giving them. But they are also ideal for things like jewellery.
This is the download for the PDF instructions (much easier to just give you the PDF as all the pictures and step by step are right there.
and this is the PDF for the template
I hope you have fun if you make one - or several - and please do share them.
Now I am returning to my humming and my scrapping and my being all Christmassy
Today I am thankful for
- warm cosiness
- Christmas songs - old and new I love them all
- My iPhone which makes playlists so easy to create and use and I can play it in the study, the car, through the stereo in the lounge. Just perfect
Thanks for the cute bag idea!
Posted by: Barb inAK | December 03, 2017 at 11:24 PM