Today has been a significant day. Very significant.
Today marks the day that I have been retired for a whole year. Last 4th July I was emptying my office, packing away 29 years of memories and moving on. It's incredible how fast that year has gone and how much we have done. Some huge things like a mega road trip holiday and house renovations, some minor like picnics out, day trips and time with friends and family. Everyone said it would take me time to adjust to being retired ... especially at such a young age!!! It didn't. I took to it like a duck to water. I was very proud of what I achieved in 29 years, building up the school from almost nothing to the success it was. I have such happy memories of the children I have taught over almost 30 years, names and faces and smiles I will never forget, but I was so ready. I handed the school over with a happy heart. I wanted to go whilst it was doing well and whilst the choice was totally mine; not down to age or health or worry but when I was still on a high and could walk away with a happy heart. I have no regrets and know, without question, it was totally and utterly the right time to go. We none of us have any idea how many days we will be blessed with and it is important to seize the day and enjoy every moment, and I am.
I have no idea how long my retirement might last, but if this first year is anything to go by - it is going to be a blast. I am blessed to share my days with my soul mate. We don't do elaborate things but boy to we have fun, boy do we laugh. I am very lucky - and I think he is too.
I have had a lovely time reflecting today. Nigel had to work and so I went for lunch with my bestie - blessed to have shared work with her and to still share things with her now - and then made the most awful scrapbook page I have ever made - seriously - but I love it as it captures so many of the moments from the year.
Happy independence day everyone - I am LOVING mine!
today I am thankful for
a wonderful year
a career I was proud of
my soul mate
a future ... However long it may be it is a future
I have a girlfriend to whom I was speaking just a few days ago. She was trying to figure out if she should retired at 55--- five years from now. I assured her that she and her husband have prepared well, her child will be out of college by then, they have income property, and her house is already paid off. Then I added, "I have NEVER heard anyone who has retired early say, "Oh, I wish I had kept working." LOL!!
Thank you, Karen. You just proved my point ;-)
Happy first anniversary. May you have many, many more wonderful years!
Posted by: Barb inAK | July 04, 2017 at 06:04 PM