I was told today - by a very good friend who knows stuff - that I am truly properly retired.
The reason?
I was due to meet her this morning and an hour after I was due to be there I realised I wasn't there. I didn't even really know what day of the week it was! Having laughed at Nigel for months about how he looks at his on line calendar so much I have now vowed to look at mine regularly - probably several times a day! And yes - the meetingw ith my friend was on there and no, I hadn't looked at it.
Thankfully she is a very good friend and realised that the very efficient head teacher who ran a flourishing school, was on creative design teams and fitted in crafting as well no longer exists. Now there is just me and I float along in a haze of retired bliss. I will do better!
Dot you asked if the writing ont he page was mine or a font - I am afraid it is my handwriting - something else that has slipped a little. I will do better
Today was art and we started watercolour work. NOT my finest hour. I have decided that despite the very expensive set of watercolour paint I bought last week, I don't like water colour. It's hard! And I don't like not having white. I did tell my art teacher I was going to sneak in some white acryllic! However, I will not be beaten - I will persevere and I will do better.
Seems like there is to be a lot of doing better in my future!
I have new scrapping to share today which I made for one of my classes for the recent cyber crop.
As it is mine I feel fine to share it so this is the class HERE Download Just your type class by Scrapdolly
Please feel free to download but if you do - please leave a comment.
and this is my page
You can interpret the title however you choose ... I know what I meant!
It was a play on the Now That's What I call ... music CDs we love to buy. If you download I hope you have fun with the class.
Today I am thankful for
- a very understanding friend
- learning new techniques
- not being too put off by failure
- on line daily calendars - well I will be if I remember to look at them