OK so I KNOW it is still November but Journal Your Christmas starts tomorrow and so I wanted to share what I have made for this year's journal and so it seemed right to change the banner and everything.
I LOVE Christmas and we have had a couple of rocky ones int he kast two years so I want to really enjoy this one, God willing.
I haven't done journal Your Christmas since 2013 as I had done 2007.2008.2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. 2013 and coming up with new stuff is hard.
2007 - an A-Z 8" x 8" album ... really loved this one
2008 was a hardbacked comb bound book which was 7" x 9.5"
2009 was digital journal all printed out and bound
2010 was a smaller book with digital pages printed out again
2011 was a more unusual book with lots of tags and tabs
2012 was one of my favourites - again digital pages and printed out (digital was always easier when I was at work)
and 2013 was one of my favourites - a little house box which I loved making and loved looking at
then I had 2 years off and now I am raring to go.
I gavce some thought as to how I could do it differently and then - on holiday - we saw an elf on the shelf. Now I KNOW this is for children really - but I am a just a big kid so we decided we would play elf on the shelf this year and so the journal will be a combination of Elf's mischief and my daily record.
So this year I have made a box - a big box. Big enough for a large journal and the elf when it is all over.
I used a kit called Elf Magic by Simple Pleasure Designs
I printed bits out and then used Christmas papers and this is the box
It has lots of dimension and bling on it too
And this is the cover - all ready to be bound when the book is complete.
I am so looking forward to this December!
I have news about Dawn's sale today - Below Zero kit and overlays and papers and all sorts of lushness - all at 50% off
and this is my page
I was at hospital today again for a couple of hours for more tests but all is well that ends well and the good thing about Poole hospital is it is near Poole Park which was icy but totally gorgeous. I loved watching the birds land on the ice and do all sorts of skating!
Today I am thankful for
- our wonderful NHS. I cannot begin to imagine how much the tests I have had this year and the operation on my nose would all have cost. We truly are very lucky.
- The excitement of impending Christmas
I have been seeing many elves on the shelf in stores this year, too. It seems as though it has really caught on suddenly! Can't wait to see the fun you and Nigel have with the elf. Did you name it?
Posted by: Barb inAK | December 01, 2016 at 07:15 AM