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January 02, 2014


Barb in AK

Karen, are you running for Mayor? ;-) What a lovely review of your town. How long have you and Nigel lived there?
Steve and I have only lived in our current town for 7 years, and I feel we hardly know it. I can't seem to find too much interesting history in the whole state of Minnesota. :-\
I guess after living in Alaska for so long-- with it's very rich history and culture-- Minnesota just can't compete ;-)
Great card. I, too, have difficulty with masculine cards. I'm always looking for ideas. Thanks!

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  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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