This is the page I made for my 5210 project from prompt 45 which was posted yesterday.
Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know well how much my beloved parents meant to me and still mean to me today.
I lost Mommy far too young and too suddenly. She wasn't a lot older than i am now and it was so quick and we had no time to prepare. She was an incredible lady to everyone, but was my best friend and the most perfect role model.
Daddy passed 11 years later, though in many ways a large part of him died when he lost his soul mate. He never really got over losing Mommy and his battle to join her was much much longer and a lot more painful.
I miss them each and every single day. Seriously. There is not one day that goes by that I don't miss them. And they needed to be there, very prominetly, in my album. And so here they are.
The first picture is their wedding photo. (My Mom always wished she had had the big white wedding - they made sure I had what they didn't) and the bottom picture is the two of them on my wedding day 30 years later. Even more in love in the second than they were in the first.
I hope that you enjoyed making a page dedicated to yours who you have loved and lost. Though pages like this are sad, they need to be done.
My quote for today is
- having such special parents
I didn't get a chance to thank you yesterday for the prompt. I chose a tiny b&w faded photo of my grandmother hanging sheets out to dry. This summer when my husband made me a new clothesline, I posed much like she did. Today I will make a page on how much I wish she were here to talk to.
I'm happy to remember....
Posted by: slmnontec | November 08, 2010 at 04:51 PM
(((hugs))) beautiful LO xx
Posted by: Sarah C | November 08, 2010 at 06:19 PM
that is a lovely page Karen and the title says it all.
Posted by: Mary Bainbridge | November 08, 2010 at 11:07 PM