We had a fabulous time last night. It was the Poole Speedway awards evening and it was wonderfula nd one of the reasons it was so wonderful was that they had the best ever master of ceremonies EVER. It was Nij and he was awesome. He had done a video presentation and it was so slick and professionala nd I was so so so proud of him. So many people also said how wonderful it was.
I have a few bad pictures of me taken before we went out. They are either full of shadow as he used the flash or very blurred as he didn't! And I am not quite sure why my teeth are red. They are not really. Promise.
The jacket is the surprise present Nij bought me yesterday. You can't really see but it is all lacy and pretty.
and one jacket-less - but the arm isn't all mine. Looks like I have huge arms but it is shadow too - honestly!
Today we have had the best lazy day ever. Popped out to fetch a Frap and have chilled and watched TV and scrapped and just relaxed.
I made this page with Dawn's new Grab Bag. The grab bag is stuffed full and so much to use in it.
- chilled days and time together doing nothing
You look fab. Love the dress.
Posted by: Scrappyjen | November 06, 2010 at 07:36 PM
Lovely outfit, the jacket looks very smart, Nigel chose well
Posted by: mary | November 06, 2010 at 08:15 PM
The dress and jacket are really great -you look fantastic - no wonder you're happy to get your photo taken! Bless Nij.
Posted by: Rosiemac | November 07, 2010 at 11:09 AM