OK - so I know show and tell should maybe be inanimate treasures, but I am off for the weekend to a scrapping retreat and when I go away I miss everyone terribly, but I miss this little guy specially, so mys how and tell today is one of my most important treasures of all, my little boy Fiki.
Fiki - or to give him his proper name, Mustafah Rafiki (which means Chosen One and Friend .... and boy did we spend forever making that name choice) is one of our two bengal babies. We also have his sister Kira (maybe the subject of another show and tell)
We first met Fiki when he was just 4 weeks old. The breeder had both of his parents, Otis and Mojo, and so we were lucky to see exactly where he had come from. They were both American cats with incredible pedigrees but we just wanted pets not show cats. We knew we wanted a boy and a girl and although we visited several bredderes, he tugged our heart. he was the cat you should never buy. the runt of the litter, smaller than his siblings, quite sickly and a little bit feeble. That was one of the thinsg that attracted us.
That and his colour. He has the very prized rufus gene and is a gorgeous rich mahogany colour with loads of glitter. (Bengal cats have glitter which means they look like they are dusted with gold dust)
We worried that he might not make it to 12 weeks when we could collect him so the breeder got him checked out and he was fine.
When we went back to visit him 2 weeks later he was the only kitten still with his mom as he had a gastric bug and wasn't weaned and needed extra TLC. Oh dear - had we made a mistake?
When we picked Fiki and Kira up when they were 12 weeks old he weighed exactly half of his sister and was tiny. They were also both in the fuzzies (wild cats do this too as a defence against predators) so their coats were dreadful and they looked awful.
Who could have guessed that he would grow into the stunning huge cat we have today. He is massive - though not an ounce of fat on him. he is tall and long and so so solid with muscle.
His pale blue eyes went from blue to amber to a stunning green (and they look like they are edged in kohl pencil) and his coat became fuller, richer, redder and more glittered.
He looks like an angel.
Shame really - as he had far more devil in him than he will ever have angel.
He is the naughtiest wickedest cat you could ever imagine. It is a good job he is handsome - he wouldn't have made it to 6 if he wasn't. He will be 6 in 2 weeks time.
He can open every door and drawer in the house (and does on a daily basis, helping himself to whatever he fancies from inside and strewing it round the house) He carried everything round in his mouth. he turns lights on and off. He can climb anything .... and does. Every ornament int he house is glued down, nothing is sacred and wherever you are he is right there .... helping!
He is a bundle of energy and yet he is also the softest dopiest lap cat int he world. You can do anything with him, he never gets cross or angry or scratches. He lies full length on your knee, head tilted backwards, looking up into your eyes and every so often reaches up to give you a kiss or a nose rub.
he is hard work, there are days when he has made me cry as he has been so naughty, but he is one of my greatest joys and I am going to miss him so much this weekend.
Thank you for indulging me with a special Fiki show and tell.
If you would like to know more about Show and tell go visit Kelli over at her blog. You'll be amazed.
My! What a beautiful cat. Never seen on e of those! He really is a speciman of note!
Posted by: Janet | April 03, 2009 at 11:02 AM
O my gosh!!!! I so envy you with such a precious kitty and such a glorious breed!!!
My Show n Tell is some of my treasured roses and amaryllis this week. Come by and enjoy the sweet fragrance and beauty.
Happy Friday.
Posted by: Hootin' Anni | April 03, 2009 at 11:14 AM
Those eyes! He's amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday. Here’s mine:
Posted by: Sally | April 03, 2009 at 01:05 PM
What a sweet little kitty! Thank you for sharing your precious baby with us.
Posted by: Gina | April 03, 2009 at 01:32 PM
So so cute.
Posted by: Teresa | April 03, 2009 at 02:47 PM
Your cat is beautiful...I can see why you posted him for Show and Tell Friday...Have a great weekend...Julie
Posted by: Julie | April 03, 2009 at 05:04 PM
Fiki is beautiful! His eyes are awesome.. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great trip.
Posted by: Debbie | April 03, 2009 at 05:15 PM
He is a beauty and it is clear you love him dearly.
Posted by: Penless Writer | April 03, 2009 at 05:31 PM
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story and such beautiful pictures. I just love hearing about Fiki and Kira. Have a fab time at your scrapping retreat, I have a scrap day all day tomorrow at our local group too.
Posted by: vivienne | April 03, 2009 at 05:31 PM
Visiting you via Kelli's Show and Tell blog train!
WONDERFUL post! Love your kitty! I also like your layouts - you don't say which or who's kits you used? I'd love to know!
Have FUN FUN FUN on your scrapping venture. Travel safe, my friend.
♥ Barb
Posted by: Barb | April 03, 2009 at 07:05 PM
Beautiful cat and lovely blog. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Jax in Alaska
P.S. Come on over to my blog for some more Show & Tell fun! :)
Posted by: [email protected] | April 04, 2009 at 12:16 AM
Hello again, I see I posted my email instead of my name. If you are able to change that, please do. Thanks a bunch!
Posted by: Jax | April 04, 2009 at 12:19 AM
What a beautiful cat...I've never seen this type of cat...I see he has you trained very well also...thanks for sharing with us...
Posted by: Becky | April 04, 2009 at 01:43 AM
Oh my, I am sniffing! What a cat! Our "George" was like that...found at about 2lbs. in the middle of the road, soaking wet. The vet said he was feral, but he was so beautiful and so naughty...but fun. Had a spring in his butt...could just spring from the floor to the top of the armoire. Ate green olives, raced around with my son, played tackle with him...hide and seek.
George lived to be just shy of 20 years old. I miss him. Thank you for sharing your love with us.
Posted by: Judy Sanza | April 04, 2009 at 05:29 PM
Your cat is gorgeous! We have three cats, and they can be a joy, or a trial at times! Thank you for sharing about him.
Posted by: Susan B | April 04, 2009 at 06:09 PM