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April 03, 2009



My! What a beautiful cat. Never seen on e of those! He really is a speciman of note!

Hootin' Anni

O my gosh!!!! I so envy you with such a precious kitty and such a glorious breed!!!

My Show n Tell is some of my treasured roses and amaryllis this week. Come by and enjoy the sweet fragrance and beauty.

Happy Friday.


Those eyes! He's amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday. Here’s mine:


What a sweet little kitty! Thank you for sharing your precious baby with us.



So so cute.


Your cat is beautiful...I can see why you posted him for Show and Tell Friday...Have a great weekend...Julie


Fiki is beautiful! His eyes are awesome.. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great trip.

Penless Writer

He is a beauty and it is clear you love him dearly.


Thank you for sharing such a lovely story and such beautiful pictures. I just love hearing about Fiki and Kira. Have a fab time at your scrapping retreat, I have a scrap day all day tomorrow at our local group too.


Visiting you via Kelli's Show and Tell blog train!

WONDERFUL post! Love your kitty! I also like your layouts - you don't say which or who's kits you used? I'd love to know!

Have FUN FUN FUN on your scrapping venture. Travel safe, my friend.

♥ Barb


Beautiful cat and lovely blog. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Jax in Alaska

P.S. Come on over to my blog for some more Show & Tell fun! :)


Hello again, I see I posted my email instead of my name. If you are able to change that, please do. Thanks a bunch!


What a beautiful cat...I've never seen this type of cat...I see he has you trained very well also...thanks for sharing with us...

Judy Sanza

Oh my, I am sniffing! What a cat! Our "George" was like that...found at about 2lbs. in the middle of the road, soaking wet. The vet said he was feral, but he was so beautiful and so naughty...but fun. Had a spring in his butt...could just spring from the floor to the top of the armoire. Ate green olives, raced around with my son, played tackle with him...hide and seek.

George lived to be just shy of 20 years old. I miss him. Thank you for sharing your love with us.

Susan B

Your cat is gorgeous! We have three cats, and they can be a joy, or a trial at times! Thank you for sharing about him.

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All About Me

  • I am Scrapdolly - frequently answering to just Dolly. I live with my soulmate Nigel and two new kittens and I love to scrap. Scrapping is my creative outlet, my daily therapy, my sanity restorer and where I meet my friends. Come share it with me.


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