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October 31, 2007



Hugs hunny - you're doing all you can to help Kira, so fingers crossed you start to see an improvement very soon. xx


So sorry that Kira is still having problems Karen. Hope she turns the corner soon.

Sally R

Karen I'm sorry that Kira hasn't improved as yet but hopeful that she will respond soon.

Can you imagine my delight to see my class on your blog and your kind comments too. It was a class I loved teaching and had planned for so long that I was horrified that I almost didn't get to teach it.

If anyone wants the instructions, let me know. I'm happy to send them on.

Heather C.

Oh no! So sorry Kira is not doing better. I will be keeping her and you all in my prayers.


I know I've already said thanks Karen, but just thought I'd say thanks on here too for uploading the photos of the bag of Delights :) I'll be nagging Jo next time I see her to see her finished work :)


So sorry Kira is going down hill again.I've put you in our church prayer book.
it almost sounds like some type of contact allergy - something her face is coming into close contact with that the rest of her body isn't.
I hope she picks up again very soon.

Jo Chapman

Many thanks for the piccy's Karen, they will help me enormously. jo xxx

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