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October 30, 2007



Wishing you lots of luck with the food changes xxx


I'm so glad to hear that you've found out what's causing this, at least once you know you can do something about it. I've been checking in to see how Kira is doing but it's also a pleasure to see your fabby LO's etc also. Hugs to Kira.


You can get get special downie covers and pilowslips which prevent dust mites getting out - they are sold for asthma sufferers.

I think you'll find loads more if you do a search.


This must be such a relief, to finally know that there is a cause and it is treatable. I have been following her progress and praying for a good result, and although it will be hard on you all at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Do look for the asthma stuff, there is plenty of things about because dust mites are the biggest cause. I 'think' you can also get special bits to go on your hoover too.


That's fantastic news that you finally have some idea of what's wrong with poor Kira. Hopefully the food trial will go well and she'll be back to her glossy pretty self soon! You must feel like a huge weights been lifted now that you can do something for her!

Heather C.

So glad you finally got some answers! Hopefully all these changes will be just what she needs and will soon be all better. Hugs to you all!


Fabulous news, just allergies. Nuisance but worth putting up with. My cat couldn't have milk made him very ill & I myself am allergic to dustmites. It can be a swine as I love my carpets!!


Glad you have some answers at last Karen. It must be a huge relief.

My dog loves poo too. It turns my stomach.

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